Kobilica Web
Kobilica is a agency website. Written in Typescript, using Astro SSG framework.
Kobilica Star
Kobilica Star is A.I. fake-news satirical web portal. Written in Typescript, using Astro SSG framework and SolidJS.
Kvizollama quiz web version where you can generate quizes with ai, and play. There is also app. Written in Typescript, Solidjs, Rust and Tauri.
Web Tools
Tools is website with different usefull apps like stopwatch, multi timer, quick lists, tabs, json formatter etc. Written in Typescript, Solidjs.
Games is a web portal with games. From puzzle games, quizess and games done with Godot
Start Page
New Tab Start Page for Browsers. Written in Typescript, using Astro SSG framework and SolidJS.
Code Playground
Code Playground is a website like Codepen where you can play with code. Written in Javascript and a bit of JQuery.
Digital Solutions
Digital Solutions is a agency website. Written in Typescript, Svelte and Threejs.
Gatsby Blog
Legacy blog written in Typescript using Gatsby SSG framework and React. MDX is used for content
Solid Blog
Blog written in Typescript using Solid Start SSG framework and SolidJS. MDX is used for content